21st Century Solutions Create Quick Wins and Continuous Improvement For Any Type of Organization


Our clients take every organizational form: government agencies, NGOs and nonprofit organizations, for-profit firms, consortia, and specialty human-development organizations such as philanthropies and Corporate Social Responsibility units. Their objectives are extremely diverse: education (K-postsecondary, at campus, system, and national levels), child development, parental engagement, healthcare, wildlife conservation and environmental protection, performing arts and entertainment, civil defense and emergency services, cultural heritage conservation and development, women’s economic empowerment, human development via sports, research and technology-transfer capability building, vocational training and workforce development, new-city development, new-agency development, new project or program development, and hundreds more.

Amidst all this diversity, four common characteristics unite all our clients:

Our clients are based in emerging or developing economies. We choose to serve primarily clients in emerging and developing economies, where our G7 experts, expertise, and world-leading collaborators can provide human development intellectual capital that aids clients’ journeys toward national prosperity, stability, and autonomy.

Our clients face needs and challenges too complex for routine “training” approaches to manage. Many come to us after trying and failing to solve vexing problems with traditional human development methods. They need something more innovative, more bespoke, more powerful—and more likely to succeed and sustain.

Our clients need results. By ‘results,’ we don’t usually mean pass-rates or certifications, although sometimes those can be meaningful. Usually, we mean measurable, changed behaviors leading to improved outcomes and ROI for our clients. Depending on the client, this might mean substantially improved profitability, or improved KPI performance, improved social ROI, and so on. We administer tests and deliver certifications, too, but our clients expect more from us. They expect meaningful change in their ROI—and they get it.

Our clients invest in human development. Low-performing organizations treat human-development as a cost-center, seeking always to reduce their spend. High-performing organizations treat human development as an investment, seeking always to manage their risks and maximize their ROI. The difference is subtle, but extremely important. We compete on value: clients choose us because we increase the ROI that their organizations obtain from their human development investment.


Ready to invest in your organization’s future?

Goal #1 in all our engagements is to maximize your human development ROI.